Sunday, January 16, 2011
New for this year is the year long match between the Midweek & Weekend Groups. The TCs have aligned 6 tournaments throughout the year. The best scores from each group will be matched up and points awarded. The points will then be added up as each of the 6 monthly tournaments are completed. The winning Group will be announced during the 2011 XMAS Dinner / General Meeting. The months for this match are identified with an "*" below in the following months: Feb., March, June, July, Oct. & Nov.
2/16 - 9:45am - * Member / Guest - 2 Person Best Ball
3/23 - 9:00am - * Bingo, Bango, Bongo
4/13 - 9:00am - Matchplay Against Par- Individual
5/18 - 9:00am - High - Low (Best Ball + 3rd Best Ball)
6/15 - 8:30am - * Skins Game
7/20 - 8:00am - * Medal Play - Individual
8/17 - 8:00am - Sixes (Best Ball, 2 Best Balls, 3 Best Balls)
9/21 - 9:00am - Last Man Standing
10/12& 10/19 - 9:30am - * Club Championship
11/16 - 9:45am - Turkey Trot - * Stableford
2/12 - 8:30am - * 2 Person Best Ball / NCGA 2 Person Qualifier
3/12 - 8:30am - * Bingo, Bango, Bongo - Double POY Points
4/10 - 8:30am - BCGC 2 Person Best Ball / NCGA CLUB ZONES
5/07 - 8:30am - 7-5-3-1 Format / Match Play Qualifier
6/05 - 8:30am - * Skins Game
7/09 - 8:30am - * BCGC Individual / NCGA Net Amateur
8/06 - 8:30am - Rabbit Legs - Double POY Points
9/10 - 8:30am - Devil Ball
10/15& 10/16 - 8:30am - * Club Championship
11/12 - 8:30am - Turkey Trot - * Stableford - Double POY Points
Entry fees for the Midweek and Weekend Tournaments remain at $10.00, except for the Club Championship and Match Play Tournaments, they are both $20.00 each. If you choose to qualify for a NCGA Event, the entry fee is an additional: $25.00.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
As the sun tries to creep out of the fog and rain, Morton Golf has come up with a very exciting promotion for this year. Juniors play free! That’s right I said free. Your kids, your grandkids, nieces, nephews, cousins or even your neighbors, if they are a junior they can play free at the city golf courses this year. With the purchase of a green fee, you can bring a junior along for nothing. All juniors will need to have a junior play card which can be purchased at any of the pro shops.
I look forward to seeing all of you this year playing at the golf course. Campbell, our greens superintendent, has done a wonderful job this winter to keep the course in great condition. With the exception of a few wet spots, the course seems to have weathered the rain and wind well. Greens are in great shape, we are cutting the rough in between the rain so come on out and enjoy some of the best winter conditions in the valley, here at your home course.
Lastly, Morton Golf is setting up a meeting with the club’s officers to collaborate on ways to enhance the home club experience. I look forward to this meeting and I am anticipating some good things to come out of it to provide some value for your membership.
Thank you to those who have renewed and continue to support Bartley Cavanaugh. Your loyalty is appreciated. And to our new members, welcome aboard. I look forward to meeting you and having you out at the facility.
Happy New Year!
Dylan Flynn
General Manager
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Jan 2011 - BCGC Web Hits from Around the World
TEE TALK - 1Q11 Edition
By Mark Edgar, President
Welcome back to all our returning BCGC Members and to all our new members. I know you have many options with regards to joining other local golf clubs, but I feel you have made the right choice. Your BCGC Board is very eager to make this a very special year and is dedicated to delivering to you the best possible golfing experience. Last year Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course celebrated it's 15th year as a Sacramento area Golf Course and our golf club has been around since the beginning. Take note, your club is one of the few clubs that is mixed with both men and women.
I would like to thank our returning Board Members: Jeri Fong, Don Sperling, Barbara Conerly, Pat Mar, Kim Volk and Kevin Schultz. And welcome our new Board Members Marie & Will Hart, Bob Thomas and Bob Benefiel. Without the hard work and continued dedication by these individuals, I am sure where we would be. Thanks for all you do for the club and the game of golf. Also, I would like to thank our departing 2010 Board Member's Shirley Johnson, Bob Volk and Jason Mangels.
As with 2010, the BCGC Board’s goals will continue with the 3 E’s during 2011:
* Expand - exceed 100 members
* Experience - fun / competitive tournaments / outings
* Enjoy - relationships & friendships
Our 2011 Tournaments will be centered on friendly competiton and fun new formats allowing the scores to be posted. Kim Volk and Bob Thomas have a few tricks up their sleeves and I am sure you will not be disappointed. The 10th Annual Freeport Cup has been briefly discussed, but nothing has been firmed up at this time. As you may recall, Grips Fast has won 4 times, BCGC has won 3 times and Bing & Land have each won twice.
Lastly, I have been in touch with Dylan Flynn, General Manager at Bartley, and we are scheduling a meeting in the next few weeks to discuss ways, in which we can partner, add value and better serve our membership. I strongly feel our club provides a steady revenue stream to both the City and Morton Golf. And that our club’s success is beneficial to both the City and Morton Golf.
Tee it UP High and Let it Fly,
Mark Edgar
Cell: 916-690-6287
By Bob Thomas, Midweek Tournament Chairperson
Happy Golfing New Year to all BCGC members. I am Bob Thomas, this season’s Tournament Chair. The schedule dates and tournament formats have been set for the year so we can all clear our calendars for the important stuff. The first tournament is February 16th and it will be a member/guest that will hopefully attract some new members. As an added incentive, members who bring a guest will earn extra points toward player of the year honors.
My goal is to plan a fun game each month that will still allow our scores to be posted. Check out our website and the Bartley Cavanaugh bulletin board for full description of the dates, games, times, fees, etc. We are also planning some kind of a competition with the BCGC Weekenders that will be points based and tabulated using results of one or more of each club’s regular monthly tournaments just to add a little spice to our game.
If you have questions or comments about any of the games or other midweek tournament matters, please contact me as follows:
Bob Thomas
8032 Linda Isle Lane
Sacramento, CA 95831;
home: 916-376-7990; cell 951-282-9818;
By Kim Volk, Weekend Tournament Chairperson
Happy 2011 to all my fellow golfers! I hope the holiday season was joyful and relaxing for all! We have a fun filled 2011 golf season planned this year. I hope to have some fun and challenging tournaments this year that will also allow us to have scores posted.
Our first tournament of the year is February 12th, which is a NCGA qualifier….Four-Ball Net Championship. Entry fee is $10 plus $25 if you want to play in the qualifier.
Other notable tournaments will be the Zone Qualifier, with the 2 winning teams getting to play in Monterey, always a highly competitive tournament. We will have our ongoing Match Play and also the Freeport Cup this year.
So make sure if you haven’t turned in your membership yet, be sure to do so…you don’t want to miss out!
We are also planning a little competition with the Midweek Group other than our regular tournaments! I am sure the bragging rights will be fun!!
Hope to see everyone out on the course! Don’t forget to check our website for up to date schedules and results! And don’t hesitate to contact me for any additional questions! I will be emailing everyone monthly to remind them of when the tournament is. You can send the entry fee to me 9836 Nature Trail Way Elk Grove 95757 or pay me the day of the tournament.
Hit ‘em straight!
Kim Volk
By Barbara Conerly, Handicap Chairperson
* Post scores from home and away courses.
* Post scores in all forms of play; match play, stroke play, even team competitions in which you are requested to pick up.
* Post your score when you play at least 13 holes out of 18 holes or at least 7 out of 9 holes.
* On the holes you didn’t play, record par plus any handicap strokes you would have received.
* Post a score if you play two nines even if it’s the same nine or nines from different days. Simply combine the nines into an 18-hole score. Add each nine-hole Course Rating together and average the Slope Ratings.
* Post scores played in an area observing an active season even when your home club is in a inactive season.
* Do not post BCGC tournament scores. The handicap chairperson will do the honors.
* Do not post your score if you played fewer than 7 holes.
* Do not post your score when you play in a competition limiting the types of clubs used, such as a one-club or irons-only tournament.
* Do not post your score when an 18-hole course is less than 3.000 yards, or when a majority of the holes aren’t played under the Rules of Golf, as in a “scramble”.
* Do not post scores made in area observing an inactive season.
Sincerely,Barbara Conerly
Handicap Chairperson
By Par Mar, Membership Chairperson
Welcome back returning and new members. Hopefully everyone had a great Holiday. Our Christmas dinner was attended by 39 members and guests. This was the largest group to attend the Aviator Restaurant. The food was plentiful and delicious, accompany with great members and guests and a great raffle. A very big thank you to our husband and wife team, Will and Marie Hart.
This year's membership is on a great start with just under 70 members. Time to renewal is now to start the New Year right. New and past members are welcome! Ask your friends and relatives to join a nice group of golfing buddies. You can play with your group and join in the tournaments.
Happy Golfing,
Pat Mar
Membership Chairperson
Saturday, January 1, 2011
2011 BCGC Board Members

Mark Edgar
Don Sperling
Robert Thomas